Example of moderated mediation using Process Model 58 in RStudio
Example-of-moderated-mediation-using-Process-model-58-in-RStudio-WEB-b.knit Youtube video walkthrough: https://youtu.be/lMQEOrd-_Mo Brief overview of Process Model 58 The figure below is a diagram of the conceptual model that Process Model 58 can be used to test. In this model, the antecedent variable (X) is specified as having a direct and indirect effect (the latter via a mediating variable) on the consequent (Y). Unlike a traditional mediation model, the effect of the antecedent X on the mediator M and the effect of the mediator on the consequent is moderated by variable W. Parameters are estimated using the Process model using OLS regression equations [unless the consequent is binary, in which case logistic regression is used when estimating part of the overall model]. The parameters in this model [which assumes continuous mediator and consequent variables] are estimated using two OLS regression eq...