Welcome to Mike's Quant Hub!



As an instructor who primarily teaches students enrolled in quantitative methods courses, I expend a considerable amount of cognitive energy reading and thinking about statistics, measurement, and research design. My primary aim with my students has been (and continues to be) for them to gain the best conceptual understanding of important statistical principles while also developing skills and that will make them better data analysts. Over the years, I have sought to share what I teach my own students with students and researchers on the web, primarily through my Youtube channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8r94_jZaoXv9qsgFwAdPQQ). This has also provided me a vehicle to share things with folks that I simply do not have time or opportunity to share with my students. Although Youtube has been a great outlet for sharing, I wanted to start a blog to provide added flexibility in how I share what I know or am thinking about with those who are interested. Moreover, a blog seemed like a useful strategy for archiving my work and to make it easier for folks to find it.

On this blog site, I plan to (in no particular order of importance)...

  • Share my thoughts and reflections related to statistical methodology, measurement, and research design.
  • Provide tutorials on how to perform various data analyses using different programs.
  • Provide additional details on procedures described in my Youtube videos.
  • Share and/or demonstrate various tools (not part of a traditional statistical packages) for data analysis (these I have either found on the web or developed myself).
  • Offer guidance on how to interpret and write-up results of statistical analyses.
  • Discuss issues of interest to statistics and measurement enthusiasts.

If you are interested following me on this journey, then please subscribe! 

SPSS (with Process macro)          


R Studio

Stata (with SEM builder)




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